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Saturday, May 10, 2014

Rollercoaster Ride

When was the last time you rode on a roller-coaster? It has been a very, very long time for me. My favorite coasters were at Cedar Point and included the Blue Streak, Wild Cat, the Corkscrew and, my personal favorite, Gemini. With the Gemini there was a red and blue coaster and somehow it felt like you were competing with the other one to see who won.

 Sometimes my life seems like a roller-coaster ride. One day I can be riding high and the next day I’m down in the dumps. In either case, it might be because of something that happened at work or at home or at church. I hate to say it, but even driving to work can get me in a bad mood. There are some crazy drivers out there you know? Not you or me of course.

You would think that Paul’s life must have felt like a roller-coaster ride. I mean, who wouldn’t feel that way. One day people are coming to Christ and being baptized. Then the next day, there is a riot in Jerusalem and Paul is being whisked out of town under dark of night with heavily armed forces to protect his life.

 And this wasn’t even the first time that something like this had happened to Paul. There was a riot in Ephesus. Paul had been put in jail in Philippi. He had been beaten and run out of town. If anyone, Paul had surely lead a roller-coaster life. But this passage is not about Paul. Thankfully it is about God and His sovereignty. It is about God’s Covenant and His faithfulness.

 Throughout the Bible God promised that He would be with His people no matter what. He promised that nothing could prevent His Covenant from being fulfilled. He promised that His plan of redemption would be completed. He promised that nothing could separate His love from His people. He sent His one and only son to make all of this possible.

 What does this mean for you? All these promises that He made are still valid for you today. God is faithful. He will always be with you. Nothing can separate you from His love. He has given you gifts and called you to His service. It doesn't matter whether you are at the height or depth of your roller-coaster life, God is there working in your life and using you in the lives of others.

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