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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Titus 3: 1-8

Saved In Order To Do Good

“But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy.” Titus 3:4

We did nothing to deserve his love, but he loves us anyway. We haven’t shown him one thing worthy of his grace, yet he grants it to us daily.

The love of our Lord has been described in many ways, but when I came across the following comparison I felt I had to share it because it is such a lovely illustration of innocent, undeserved love, offered simply because of having love to give. That’s it!


From “The Journey”
She sat alone in the orphanage-no parents, no siblings. She was without connection in the world, powerless and headed for a life on anonymity.

Then one day two visitors came to the orphanage. They were financially prepared and eager to provide a safe and nurturing environment in which a child could grow. “That’s the one,” the wife said, looking at the little girl. The father scooped up the child and said, “Little one, you are now our daughter. Soon you will come to live in the place we've been preparing for you.”

What did the orphan do to deserve the kindness of that couple? Nothing. Why did they choose her? We don’t know. But they did, and it had nothing to do with any action on her part. They simply had love to give, and set their affections on this child.

That is how God feels about us. We are like that orphan. God comes to us today offering his home, love, and guidance. We can be adopted into his family any time we choose. He longs to scoop us up and provide us with his protection and eternal promise. His arms are open wide. He has a place prepared for us too.
We are saved in order to do good.

Read/Listen to Titus 3: 1-8

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