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Thursday, May 29, 2014

We Discipline Those We Love

About a month ago my father passed away. He and my mom were living in a different state, and my mom is unable to drive. My brother and I made the four hour drive, taking turns getting my mom to the hospital to visit. Of course, we were blessed by visiting dad frequently in his last days.
Dad’s mind was starting to go, yet he knew he was dying. He did not want to be in the hospital any longer. A couple of days before he passed, he removed his intra-venous tubes and told me to take him home. When I told him I could not do that, he raised his voice and told me again. It was a tone of voice I had not heard since I was a teenager
That tone was of a loving father who was correcting his son who had done something stupid.
Today’s reading, 2 Corinthians 7:2-16, is about discipline and restoration. Previously, Paul had reprimanded the congregation in Corinth. They were tolerating a fellow Christian who was living worse than a pagan (1 Corinthians 5). Paul told the congregation they had to deal with this problem and how to deal with it.  
Paul is now commending the congregation for effectively dealing with the problem. He is also teaching the congregation how to restore this fallen Christian who had learned his lesson.
Paul loved the Corinthians and he proved it by not only disciplining them, but teaching them how to discipline and restore fallen members.
God loves us and sent Jesus who restores us.
God disciplines us too. Sometimes bad things happen to us simply because we live in a sinful world. Other times God is trying to tell us something. When something goes wrong, it can be difficult to differentiate between the two. Yet, that is what we should do.
We should look for “kairos” moments, where God is trying to get our attention. He loves us and wants us to follow his will.
Three things I know for certain. My dad loved me. God loves me. And only Jesus can take us home.

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