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Friday, August 22, 2014

Promises Kept

Numbers 13:28 (NIV) 
They gave Moses this account: "We went into the land to which you sent us, and it does flow with milk and honey! Here is its fruit. But the people who live there are powerful, and the cities are fortified and very large. We even saw descendants of Anak there. 

We all experience seasons in life where our troubles seem huge. We feel overwhelmed and confused with no idea which way to turn. We fear no one can help, and there is no answer to our problem. But over time we see life more clearly; we wonder why we didn't do this, or that. It is as if a cloud lifts and the solution to our problems is obvious.

Fear and doubt cripples us and often times impedes a blessing God is trying to bestow on us. Moses' people were experiencing this in today's reading. The men Joshua sent in to scout out the Promised Land just returned and were giving their report, but there were differing stories. The conflicting accounts and recommendations came from two types of hearts.

The hearts which doubted God's love and ability to do what He said He would do, saw only giants in the land. They envisioned more trouble and were afraid to step into God's promised new life. They forgot all the amazing and miraculous things God had already done for them. They were blinded by fear.

Caleb and his men saw that same sights but viewed them with hearts of trust of faith. They remembered the situations God had got them out of before and knew He would be right there with them at this time also. They knew this Promised Land was their new home and were ready to accept this precious gift from God with confidence and faith. They would not allow the giants before them to block out the view of God's Promise.
Numbers 13:26-33

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