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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Strength in Weakness

Samuel 23:15-29

David was an unlikely candidate for kingship in the eyes of many. He was young, naive, sincere, and inexperienced. All the things a strong and controlling man like Saul despises, yet just what the Lord desires.

David fled to avoid conflict and follow God’s will. Saul hunted him like prey. Does that sound familiar? 

Often as we attempt to do as our Lord commands, we feel scrutiny, attack, and disapproval from others in our life. At times we may even be attacked by our loved ones. Is this opposition truly coming from the hearts of our attackers, or is it perhaps instigated by satan and they have no defense against him? Does their lack of connection with Christ perhaps facilitate their need to lash out? These times require us to be strong in the Lord regardless of what others think or how weak we are perceived to be.

The bible says there is strength in weakness, and that we can do all things through Him who strengthens us. Those who demonstrate a quiet, reserved nature are often perceived as weak, yet in reality they may possess a quiet strength and confidence that comes from deep within and they feel no need to put their solid personality on display. Their power needs no audience or attention. The Lord’s grace is enough.

So who would you rather stand with, the one with a robust personality who roars like a lion gaining personal attention and perhaps soliciting fear, or one who approaches life like a lamb, thoughtfully addressing each day as it comes and reaching out to others?

As we are sometimes “driven into the desert” let us remember that God may use challenging situations to grow and strengthen us for His purpose. We are shaped and molded like clay in God’s hands through our experiences.

Today is a great day to stand before the Lord and recommit to His purpose for us. Even when we feel weak, we are strong in Him.

Read/Listen to: 1 Samuel 23: 15-29

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