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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Stuff Happens

Stuff happens. (We’ve all seen the bumper sticker, except that it uses a more vulgar word than stuff.)
Many times something happens that makes it difficult to complete a task I need to do. These tasks could be God’s work, in support of my family, an assignment from my employer or simply something I find enjoyment in doing. Sometimes these difficulties cause me to chuckle while other times they are an annoyance. Still other times they have caused bodily injury or have been upsetting.
Saul Attempting to Kill David
Today’s text is 1 Samuel 19:1-10. David was popular among the Jews. Besides being good looking, he led the army and at one time single handedly defeated the Philistines. King Saul was jealous of David, and fearful David would overthrow him. Although he took an oath not to, Saul, when under the influence of an evil spirit, attempted to kill David.
Something  --  Saul -- was trying to cause David great bodily harm! David most likely was very upset with this event.
At times hindrances and trouble can seem to be daily events. Satan does all he can to make our lives difficult.
Adam and Eve brought sin into the world, and as a result, we suffer the consequences of sin on this earth. God reminds us frequently that we will be under attack from Satan. In the book of Revelations he further tells us that the Christian Church will be under attack from the time of Christ’s death until his return. Even today, thousands of Christians are being killed because of their faith.
At times, life will be difficult. There will be annoyances and bodily harm. Life will be upsetting for us.

The story of Saul and David has another message. Even though sin and evil spirits run rampant, God is still in control.
Satan can be an annoyance, or even harm us physically and emotionally. But he cannot harm us spiritually!
Jesus died on the cross so that we may have everlasting life with him in heaven. Our faith in Jesus is the best defense we have!

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