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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Destination: Wisdom

“The proverbs of Solomon ... for attaining wisdom and discipline; for understanding words of insight; for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair; for giving prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the young ... “  Proverbs 1:1-5

Two travelers set out for a place called, Wisdom.  The first to arrive emerged from his car a bit road-weary, but relaxed and in good spirits; he’d used his navigation system and made the journey in pretty good time, even after stopping to rest a few times along the way.  Having set out at the same hour, however, the second traveler reached Wisdom years later, understandably disheveled, exhausted and at least a little irritated.  Both reached their destination, taking different routes to get there.

For there are two roads to Wisdom.  The direct route, “instruction,” is smooth and quiet and clear, like new pavement of black asphalt, freshly marked with bright lines and clear signage.  And like the one who arrived first, those who cruise-control along this freeway gain knowledge and good judgment by taking the wise at their word and by observing the decisions and consequences of others.  They trust sound directions and the people who draw them up ... those who have “been there.”

The other way, “experience,” is really a labyrinth.  Known for its sharp turns,  potholes, and slippery surfaces, this back road is considered, “the hard way” (or, more charitably, “the scenic route”).  There are no shortages of orange barrels and stop-and-go traffic for travelers who go this way.  And several of its bridges are out, which means more detours, of course.  Make no mistake, “experience” does lead to Wisdom, but it’s a tougher journey with a few more wrecks.  Its travelers are a bit more ... jostled.

The fact of the matter is, we all take the experience road to some extent; it’s unavoidable.  Truth be told, some stretches of our experience are helpful, instructive and rewarding, and the lessons we learn there can be shared with others on the same journey.  And many who have traveled the road of experience to Wisdom arrive there with a deep appreciation for the God who never abandoned them during their harrowing journey, but faithfully and lovingly saw them through life’s twists and turns.

Still, instruction is clearly the smoother route and we do well to travel it as much as we can.  So to that end, Solomon hands us his atlas of proverbs and bids us farewell on our trip to Wisdom with this sage advice: Travel the freeway of instruction ... you’ll know it when you see it ... it’s the path that begins with the fear of the Lord.

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline."  Proverbs 1:7

[To see the daily reading, Proverbs 1:1-7, click here.]

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