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Friday, September 19, 2014

Get Off the Fence!

Revelation 3:15-18 (NIV) 
I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! (Revelation 3:15)

There are times in life when we have decisions to make and sometimes these circumstances don't impact us much. The decision could go one way or the other and we do not have strong feelings about either.

Where we go for dinner, which car to take to work today; these are not usually life-changing choices for us. But, there are other situations where the choices we make today will change our tomorrows forever.

So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth. (Revelation 3:16)

The decision we made to follow Jesus is one of those forevermore situations. Following Jesus is all about love; loving Him and loving one another. Loving one another requires serving and caring for each other. When life-changing situations arise we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

We wouldn’t just sit by and watch while someone approaches the edge of a cliff and not shout out a warning. No, we would do everything we could to prevent them from falling. A whisper would be of no help. As they approach the edge we need to get in their path, open their eyes to the danger ahead.

It is time to get off the fence, to step out of the boat, to be the hands and feet of Jesus. It is time to show our love for Jesus by loving one another; deciding which side of the fence to live on. Just as a lukewarm beverage is not palatable, fencing sitting is equally unimpressive.
Revelation 3:14-22

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