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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Training and Equipping

2 Timothy 3:16-17

"All scripture is God -breathed, and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."

As we conclude our Sunday Study of The Word for September, I was reflecting on what the other writers I am privileged to share this blog with, had to say. Though we live miles apart and do not collaborate regarding what we will author, and have written from many different Books of the Bible, including Psalms, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Proverbs, Revelation, Hebrews, etc., a common theme surfaces. Below are a few excerpts from the September Blog writings I feel compelled to share. This BOOK is a true gift from our Father! 

"But the Bible is present. The Holy Spirit is alive and active within the pages of scripture! Faith is created when we spend time in the Word, faith is strengthened when we spend time in the Word, and God often speaks to us through His word." 

"When we apply Scripture to our daily tasks and concerns our Faith is ignited. Discernment comes into play as we seek to understand the words which lay open at our fingertips."

"God has given parents a tremendous responsibility when he entrusts them with one of his souls. A key part of that responsibility is to teach their children God’s Word, and train them to be disciples."

 "We have a God given training manual at our fingertips we call the Bible; His Holy Word."

"Still, instruction is clearly the smoother route and we do well to travel it as much as we can.  So to that end, Solomon hands us his atlas of proverbs and bids us farewell on our trip to Wisdom with this sage advice: Travel the freeway of instruction ... you’ll know it when you see it ... it’s the path that begins with the fear of the Lord." 

"Reading scripture on a regular basis and delving into His Word attempting to learn how to apply it to our lives, will keep us clear thinking." 

"What better tool to use than God’s Word." 

"The Life Application Bible Notes puts it this way - The Bible is like medicine: It goes to work only when we apply it to the affected areas. As you read the Bible, be alert for lessons, commands, or examples that you can put into practice."


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