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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

He pledges allegiance

“After he had said this, Jesus was troubled in spirit and testified, "I tell you the truth, one of you is going to betray me.”  John 13:21

Jesus was not a naive guy.  Not in the least.

On the contrary, he “knew all people. (John 2:24 ESV)”  So I find it fascinating, how troubled Jesus became at the notion one of his friends would betray him.

Let’s be completely honest with ourselves: betrayal is well within our capabilities, isn’t it?  We’re pretty good at pledging allegiance – we do it with great gusto – but in the heat of the moment, it can be elusive.  Jesus himself foretold that, amid end-times chaos, believers would be betrayed “even by parents, brothers, relatives and friends. (Luke 21:16)”  And when at the Last Supper he revealed to his disciples that one of them would hand him over to his enemies, each tacitly confessed his inner frailty as “one by one they said to him, ‘Surely not I?’ (Matthew 26:22)”  [Note the question mark of self-doubt.]

Sometime after Judas left that evening, Jesus said to his remaining disciples, “I no longer call you servants.... Instead, I call you friends.... (John 15:15)”  And to Jesus, the commitment of friendship is far more than a lofty ideal; his allegiance lasts infinitely longer than a pledge.  His best for his friends means restored oneness – our oneness with the Father through the Son and our oneness with each other through him, as well.

Anything short of restoration and unity is troubling.  Separation from God is troubling; relational brokenness is troubling.

And so unnecessary!  For Jesus has already finished his atoning work; restoration is complete.  Salvation and forgiveness and reunion await humble hearts.  It is his promise, his commitment.

So he sends us, his friends, into the world around us to share our stories ... to point to the peace we find in him ... to relieve troubled hearts.

To see the daily reading, John 13:18-30, click here.

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