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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Acts 19:1-7

In the name of the Father 
and of the Son 
and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

We have a vision of who the Father and Son are, but the Holy Spirit seems more mysterious. 
It’s difficult to picture what a Holy Spirit looks like and because of our human limitations
 we seem to need things somewhat concrete to understand.

In Acts 2, the Pentecost took place. Luke writes of a violent blowing wind that came from 
             heaven. What appeared to be tongues of fire rested upon each of their heads and they began              to speak in tongues as the Spirit enabled them. As a crowd gathered these disciples’ words 
were clearly understood by each one in their own native language.

Acts 19 tells of another incident of disciples receiving the Holy Spirit. Perhaps we are those 
disciples. Before Jesus was taken up into heaven he promised the power of the Holy Spirit 
would come. That promise was not just for the twelve chosen Apostles, but for all men.

The Holy Spirit is the power of God here on earth. We are all free to receive it, but we must 
be still and open our hearts to feel and accept it. It need not happen in a great and glorious 
manner with wind and fire. It is a personal experience meant to help us feel and 
understand God’s purpose and our mission.

Might speaking in tongues to us be simply meeting people where they are, identifying
 with their pain, and walking them through it toward the Lord?

We have been given this gift of the Holy Spirit, but it does us no good to simply look 
at the beautifully wrapped package. We must open it, acknowledge its contents,
 thank our God, and use it for His purpose.
"Bringing Faith To Life"

Read/Listen to Acts 19:1-7

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