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Thursday, June 25, 2015


When my kids were young, we often went to toy stores. My kid’s favorite was “Toys-R-Us.”
In my usual nit-picking way, I would think to myself, “Toys-R-Us is not toys; they are a store that sells toys.” This does not make sense!
Of course, it is a great toy store. They usually had something for my kids. Failing that, they always had something for me!
Today’s reading, Acts 4:1-13. Peter and John, two of Jesus “go to” apostles, are before the Sanhedrin. They have just healed a crippled beggar. The Sanhedrin, concerned that a greater power is in their midst, wants to know on what authority they healed the beggar.
Peter replies it is Jesus, and in fact, adds that salvation is found in no one other than Jesus.
This is the first recorded miracle that the apostles did after Jesus died. It is the first recorded miracle that the church performed after Jesus died.
Jesus delegated his mission to Peter and John. He gave some of his powers to Peter and John. More profoundly, however, Jesus delegated his mission and gave some of his powers to his church!
Jesus is counting on his church – and that includes you and I!
I feel inadequate, to do Jesus work. Fortunately, there are others who can help me and point me in the right direction. However, Jesus is here, right in front of me, in the form of a Bible.
More importantly, Jesus is within me.
Jesus and the Holy Spirit are not powers external to me, that work on me. St. Paul tells us that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. Jesus and the Holy Spirit are within me!
I may feel inadequate to do Jesus work, but God has given me everything I need in preparation. Better than that, Jesus is within me. I do not have to “go it alone.”
Like the toy store, it does not make sense.
Nonetheless, Jesus-is-us.


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