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Thursday, June 11, 2015

Not Just the Son of God

Today’s reading is John 1:35-51. Jesus is gathering 12 men to be his disciples. Andrew and Simon were the first to be called. Jesus then called Nathanael and Phillip.

Jesus gave Simon the Aramaic name Cephas. The Greek name is Peter, which means “rock”.

Peter was anything but a rock. He babbled at Jesus’ transfiguration. He cut off a soldier’s ear. Perhaps worst of all, he disowned Jesus just prior to his crucifixion.

Jesus Revealed as God at the Transfiguration
It wasn’t until Jesus died that Peter understood what being a disciple meant. It was only then that he began to live up to his name. Peter became solid as a rock.
Jesus was known by many names and phrases. He was Son of God, Son of Man, King of Israel, Messiah, Teacher, Beginning and the End, Root of David, Light of the World,  the Lamb of God, Bread of Life, Word become Flesh, Good Shepherd, and many, many more.
Let’s look at a few of them.
Jesus was a teacher. He taught his disciples many things and also taught the crowds that followed him.
Descended from King David, Jesus had a right to be called the Root of David.
Many at the time liked the name Son of God, a term not unfamiliar to them, or to mankind. Since early civilization, many kings claimed to be the son of some god. Theoretically, at least, potential rivals would not wage war against the son of a god, lest the god destroy the attacker.
As the Lamb of God, many Israelites of the time knew that Jesus would be their sacrificial saviour, their Messiah. Unfortunately, when he was called King of Israel, many thought that Jesus would set up an earthly kingdom and restore Israel to greatness.  Jesus is King of the Jews, but, he did not, nor will he ever, rule an earthly kingdom. As Jesus told the Roman official Pilate, “My kingdom is not of this world.”
Peter had trouble living up to his name. Unlike Peter, Jesus lived up to all of his many names. He was all this and more.
Jesus is not just the Son of God; He is God!

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