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Sunday, August 23, 2015

1 John 5: 13-21

Assurance of Eternal Life

 John is the ultimate encourager. “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may KNOW that you have 

Me? Really? Forever? Though we have heard and read time and again John 3:16 (Whoever believes in me will not perish but have eternal life) we continue to doubt ourselves, and hope for the miracle of salvation to happen to US. We feel as though these promises are for others, but may not hold true in our situation. Why is it we view ourselves as unworthy? What makes us doubt the word of our 

John assures us that whoever is born of God, though he may fall into sin, will not
 commit the unpardonable sin. We should never cease to pray for our brothers and
 sisters in Christ, especially when we know of their sin. No Christian is beyond the
 reach of our prayers, and no one born of God will ever fall from grace but will be
 kept safe in the name of  

Sinless perfection is beyond our reach for the time being because our old nature has
 not yet been wiped away, yet the cross has 

Being a true believer means a lifestyle change has taken place. Sin does not dominate
 us any longer. By faith, self-control, and obeying the Word, sin has become the lesser
 influence on us. 

May we trust in the words of John breathed by our Lord and Savior and set our hearts
to rest on the lovely promise of 

Read/Listen to 1 John 5:13-21

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