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Friday, October 9, 2015

Life on Mission - SHARE

Psalm 49:1-3, 7
Hear this, all you peoples; listen, all who live in the world, both low and high, rich and poor alike: My mouth will speak words of wisdom; the utterance from my heart will give understanding…No man can redeem the life of another or give to God a ransom for him—the ransom for a life is costly, no payment is ever enough—that he should live on forever and not see decay.

I can't really remember the day someone shared Jesus with me. I know that I heard about Him in religion classes at the Catholic School I attended.  I knew all the interesting stories that children's picture Bibles illustrated. But, I was well into adulthood before it started to mean something to me. And even then, it was a slow process. 

Perhaps it is that way with most of us.  The happenings of life begin to shape us, they instill an attitude of rebellion or repentance. Usually rebellion happens before repentance - at least in my case it worked that way. 

The way I encountered Jesus tells me that perhaps I am not alone. I mentioned that it was a slow process. I had to experience pain and tragedy before I thought that maybe there was something to the concept of pursuing a personal relationship with Jesus.  It was for certain the relationships I formed to that point weren't helping me find peace or hope.

Psalm 49:15

But God will redeem my life from the grave; he will surely take me to himself.

I cannot point to the specific day or date when it all began to make sense, but I do know it all began because someone cared enough to challenge my stubborn way of thinking. This person, a woman I did not even like to be around, invited me to church and kept after me until I went. That was all she had to do. The Holy Spirit took over and the rest is history.

God redeemed my life from the grave, all because one woman had the courage to SHARE, then she moved into the background of my life and allowed the Holy Spirit to take over.

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