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Friday, October 23, 2015

Prayers of Faith

James 5:13-16

I heard the term “Healing Ministry” and became rather nervous. How could I be part of a healing ministry? Only God heals. Jesus healed the sick when he walked the earth, but I surely cannot do that.

As I left my comfort zone with much doubt, I agreed to join the six week “Healing Ministry of Jesus Study Project.” With clammy palms and tightness in my shoulders I slowly entered the group room. There were some familiar faces, but I chose to sit alone and immerse myself in my discomfort.

Prior to this study project I thought I was praying faithfully, and when I told others I would pray for them, I did, but not in this way. As time went on, it began to make sense. We first studied each of the 26 healings Jesus performed in the Gospels. We analyzed specifically what the bible says without interpretation or personal opinion. Then we dug deeper into each encounter discovering their unique meaning.

In each instance of Jesus making people well Genuine Faith is what allowed the healing, and though physical healing often occurred, it was the spiritual wellness that made their lives different for eternity. Often that Faith came through someone other than the one with the ailment, perhaps a parent or friend.

It seems to me, no matter what we are praying for, it is a form of healing; physical, emotional, relational or spiritual. We may not always know what words to pray, but our God understands what is in our hearts. When we pray let us remember;

God the Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit are One
Focus on God first
Faith and power heal (God’s power not ours)
Relationship with God is key to healing
We can pray by faith on behalf of others
Pray without doubt
Pray for God’s love and peace to be clearly felt
Pray for the awareness of the presence of God’s Holy Spirit
God meets us in the pain; we need not run from it
Go to the foot of the cross

Father, we praise you and worship all that you are. Your love and mercy wrap around us like a blanket of protection. You are always here for us. Please Lord, help us to feel the gentle presence and security of your spirit, and heal our hearts from the pain with your great power. We kneel before the cross as children in waiting for our blessing of peace to touch our hearts and remain with us always. Amen 

James 5:13-16 

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