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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Sudden life!

Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”  Luke 23:42 

When it comes to Bible stories, the repentant thief on the cross is a cherished favorite.  Suffering there next to Jesus, he looked on as the religious leaders, the soldiers and even the other crucified crook mocked Jesus and ridiculed him.  Perhaps it was in the brilliance of unselfish forgiveness shining forth from the darkness of undeserved hatred that the condemned man saw for the first time the Christ for who he really was.  “Jesus,” he pleaded, “remember me when you come into your kingdom.” 

One of the amazing things about this rich story is the suddenness of it all.  Was the thief thinking about Jesus when he committed his crime?  No.  Did he contemplate the Christ as he was tried for his offense and sentenced to death?  No.  The night before his crucifixion, was he meditating on the Messiah?  Probably not.  As the nails were pounded into his hands and feet, were the robber’s thoughts centered on the Son of God?  No way!  It is probably safe to say that Jesus had occupied very few, if any, of the man’s thoughts until now. 

But then suddenly! 

As the events unfolded beneath his feet, how long did the robber have to witness the forgiveness by the Innocent One for injustice from the guilty ones before emerging from his spiritual stupor?  How long did it take for the perp to turn penitent?  Was it a full minute?  Three?  Could he have held his tongue for five minutes before speaking out? 

In a single unforeseen moment in time, the man’s soul awakened to recognize the King of a kingdom not of this world.  And not even extreme physical pain would deter him from eternal spiritual gain.  In the blink of an eye, the life lived wrong got it right. 

Jesus answered him, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.”  Luke 23:43

In never-ending mercy and love, God never quits; he always pursues.  And his sudden, sovereign moments of salvation continue, right to the end.

Praise his name!

[Click here to see the daily reading in Luke 23:32-43.] 

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