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Monday, November 23, 2015

Broken to be Made Strong

The trials in life are sent to make us, not break us. -- Streams in the Desert

These words shimmered on the pages of my devotional book as I read.  Each day I seek a word or phrase, a line of scripture or wisdom from past sages, to jump start my morning quiet time with God. I just read from Genesis 47, as continuing saga unfolded. Nearing the end of his life, Jacob called his son, Joseph to his side.

Genesis 47:30 (MSG)
When I lie down with my fathers, carry me out of Egypt and bury me alongside them." "I will," he said. "I'll do what you've asked."

Jacob and Joseph experienced trials in their lives, and God who is faithful brought them through each difficult season. He does the same for us. Think about a time of personal difficulty and try to see all the good that has come about because of it. Sometimes we have to step away to see these blessings, but in time they will be obvious.

My early childhood was filled with uncertainty and confusion. But God provided grandparents who would make up for the nurturing that was missing. Grandma and Grandpa modeled for me the way of a loving family. They were a refuge from the storms of life.

All the people Joseph served, provided for him. The opportunities he received to prove himself honest and trustworthy ended up building his character. The trials in Joseph's early life made him into a man of God. His faith kept him centered and focused and it grew with each struggle.  The situations he was thrown into developed his leadership and his faith.

Take a look at your situation - past and present - can you see a pattern of development through the trails of your life? Can you recognize the change in your heart since going through that awful season of loss and pain? Are you able to come along side someone else now and paint a picture of God's faithfulness to them?

Genesis 47:27-

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