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Sunday, November 1, 2015

Saints in Heaven - Revelation 7:9-11

Judy Matthis, my good friend and one of the original Daily Bible Blast writers, wrote on the topic of All Saint's Day back in 2010. With her permission, I am posting it here today. Judy is wonderful writer who has a heart for Scripture...

How would you describe heaven?

John has seen a vision of heaven and tries to put into words what he saw. He saw people from all over the world standing before the throne and in front of God. There were so many that they couldn't be counted. They wore white robes and held palm branches in their hands. They joined the angels in worshipping God in loud voices, "Amen! Praise, glory, and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever! Amen!" (v 12)

John says the people had experienced terrible persecution on earth. They had experienced pain, suffering, hunger, thirst, and catastrophes. As they gather around the throne of God, they experience joy, because He will lead them and "wipe away every tear from their eyes." (v 17b)

We celebrate All Saints day this Sunday. It is a time to think about the joy of heaven and our loved ones who are there. It is also a good time to think about our relationship with Jesus. Have you committed your whole life to Christ’s care and control? If not, it’s a good time to consider it.

We don’t know what is beyond this life on earth. We do know that God has made the hope of heaven a reality for us through His Son Jesus Christ. God has promised that all who believe in Him and commit to Him will have eternal life. We’ll have the joy of entering heaven and worshipping at the throne of God. He’ll welcome us when we leave this life. Isn’t that awesome!

Read today's text on Biblegateway.

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