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Friday, January 8, 2016

A Psalm of David

Psalm 51:1-10

Guilt has both positive and negative aspects. It is painful, but serves a purpose because it tells us something is wrong. It’s kind of like a warning light on our dashboard. The problem is that many of us don’t like heeding that warning because of the trouble involved so we ignore it. We prefer to deny or run away from our guilt rather than face up to it and deal with it.

That’s what David did, but when Nathan was sent to confront David, he finally confessed his sin. After admitting his wrongdoing, David wrote this Psalm and humbly poured out his heart to God. In his prayer we find insights that will help us deal with our own guilt.

David began by recounting God’s merciful, unfailing love
as he reflected on the severity of his sin and asked to be cleansed.

Then he frankly admitted his sin and did not excuse or downplay his actions. He also asked God to help him address the core issues that produced his actions; his inner thoughts and feelings.

David wanted his heart purified. He knew that only God could do that kind of “heart surgery.”

When we feel that pain of guilt, perhaps God is trying to tell us something is wrong. It may be our warning light and is not to be ignored. Admission of guilt can be a scary thing, but the after effects are worth the risk.

Forgiveness is a beautiful and freeing act of love when it is given as well as when it is received.

Read/Listen to Psalm 51:1-10

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