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Sunday, January 24, 2016

Coming Attraction

Ever since I can remember, part of the fun of going to the movies is watching the previews for the upcoming movie events.  That fact holds true for me today.  Glimpses at scenes for shows yet to air always get me thinking ahead, planning which ones are worth dreaming about and sometimes even saving up for.

These previews are so important that even books have trailers for new releases. You can follow your favorite author's work and plan in advance, which new stories you are going to invest your time and money.

Reading this portion of the Book of Joel is like watching coming attractions in a movie theater. The prophet Joel is casting a vision for what is to come. "And it shall come to pass...I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh..."  (Joel 2:28) We hear similar words in Acts 2:17-21, when the author of Acts said, "In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people." 

Most movie previews build up to a powerful moment and then end, leaving us to decide if we want more or not. Are we intrigued or convicted enough to take the next step? The Prophet Joel's words are meant to draw us in also, to seek more of what he is telling us about - salvation, freedom from living a hopeless life.

"And it will come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the LORD shall be saved."

Joel 2:28-32

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