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Friday, February 19, 2016

Living to Please God

1 Thessalonians 4:1-8

The more we learn about what is contained in the Bible, the clearer it becomes that people of those days were not much different than societies today. Paul wrote letters to believers in Thessalonica, the largest city in Macedonia. The letters were written to encourage the faithful Christ-centered people living in the midst of incredible corruption and cultural pressure to do otherwise.

That is the message of the churches today that live and speak the truth within the Bible. Fight the corruption of today! Ignore the immoral ways of society! Despise the cruel and self-centered ways of the world and follow the example of Jesus.

This scripture reading focuses specifically on sexual immorality, and the importance of controlling our own bodies. I claim however that it all goes together. If we are not acknowledging God and His teachings on a daily basis, it is likely we will dishonor him in more than just lustful ways.
In Deuteronomy Moses gave his final sermon and told the Israelites God’s commandments for the second and final time. He spoke of loving God with all your heart, soul and strength. Then Moses went on to say: "These commandments are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you are at home, and when you walk along the road. When you lie down and when you get up….."

I take this to mean that at all times we are to conduct ourselves as though we are in the presence of God-because we are.  I see first- hand in myself, times I speak or act in haste. These are occasions when I may offend or speak ill of someone without thinking. I would never intentionally do something like that when in the presence of God.

If we as Christ followers conduct ourselves as though Jesus were walking along side of us each and every moment, we could then truly say, “We are living to please God.” Try it!

Read/Listen to:  1Thessalonians 4:1-8

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