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Thursday, February 4, 2016

Someone Is Out To Get Me

Life can be hectic.
The home phone rings at the same time the door bell rings and my mobile phone rings. The mail man is down the street and I need to get a couple of checks in the mail. I am about to watch a football game, but my wife asserts that the internet is down and letting it go is not an option. It is time to mow the lawn, but the mower won’t start. Oh yeah, and I am informed that the tuition bill must be paid by 5 PM today.
 Sometimes I think someone is out to get me!
 Today’s reading is Ephesians 6:10-20.
Paul is telling us that there really is someone out to get us. That someone, though, isn’t trying to make our life on earth difficult. He may do that, but that isn’t his ultimate goal. What he really wants is to take away my eternal bliss. He wants us to join him in the burning lake of sulfur.
Satan. Lucifer. Devil. The dragon. The serpent. Prince of this world. We know him by many names.
Other cultures know him as Haborym, Loki, Mania, Pluto, Mantus, Balaam and Apollyon.

Paul tells us there is a defense against Satan and that is faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus gives us our salvation and frustrates Satan’s efforts.
 But Satan is a stubborn, cunning and persistent enemy. He keeps trying. Paul tells us we therefore  need to put on the full armor of God. We need to be in the Word of God and pray in the spirit. Being in frequent contact with Jesus ensures that Satan will not achieve his goal.
 Yes, Satan is out to get me. Jesus ensures Satan won’t win, but as a partner with Jesus, I also have a responsibility. By remaining in the Word, after I die I will be in Paradise, not with Satan. That indeed is a great blessing.
Now if only Paul can give me advice on dealing with unwanted phone calls and door-to-door salesmen ….

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