Have you ever had a car pass you going fast, very
fast … perhaps going double the speed limit? Have you ever thought to yourself,
“Where’s the cop when you need one?”
Last week I was at a stop light waiting for the
light to change and cross traffic to clear. Suddenly, a car in the cross
traffic made an illegal u-turn. “Where’s the cop when you need one?” I immediately
thought to myself.
As soon as I finished my thought, a second car, a
police car, made a u-turn and then put its flashers on.
Justice served! A joyous day indeed! …… Well not exactly.
When I got home I read today’s reading, Psalm 92. These are words
to live by, and I clearly fell short.
The Lord has opened
a door for us, meaning he has saved us. He expects us to make music, praise him and proclaim
his love in return. We are to worship our Lord and do His Will.
It does sometimes seem that the lawless get away
with things, be it a highly rated corrupt politician, a jaywalker or a speeder.
All evildoers flourish we are
told, but, they will forever be
There will be justice: those without faith not
only perish, but will live an eternal life of torment.
It sometimes does anger me to see someone “get
away with” something. I must, however, put this in perspective. Nobody gets
away with anything. God metes out justice according to one’s faith.
It is not my job to be angry and mete out justice;
it is my job to proclaim God’s love.
I have a role to play in God’s Kingdom. I need to
play the role God has in mind.
Not the
role I want to play.
These words are so true, but I admit I gave a bit of a shout out when I read the police were in pursuit! Nice reminder today, thanks.
The fact that all of us want good to triumph and justice to be done proves that we are made in His image. However flawed our desire for justice is, and though that desire is tainted by our own sin, it reflects something of the nature of our Creator within us.
Karen, good observation, and I agree with it.
Judy, thanks. Nice to know I am in great company.
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