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Friday, March 25, 2016

Jesus is Crucified

It’s horrifying to think human beings would treat other human beings in such a way!
We’ve all heard the story, and been sickened by the thought of such a good and gracious man being treated with this extreme cruelty. The books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John all describe the event. One may describe a more detailed account of Jesus’ demise but the prophecy in Psalm 22 written hundreds of years before the Romans came to power is undeniable.  

Prophecy                                                                                                                  Fulfillment
Messiah would be forsaken (verse 1)                                                                  Matthew 27:46
The Messiah would be mocked (verse 2)                                                            Matthew 27:45-46
The Messiah would be poured out like water (verse 14)                                    John 19:34
The Messiah would be thirsty (verse 15)                                                            John 19:28
The Messiah would be crucified by non-Jews                                                    Matthew 27:27-31
The Messiah’s hands and feet would be pierced                                                 John 19:34, 20:25-29
The Messiah’s executioners would gamble for his robe (verse 18)                    Matthew 27:35

This Psalm 22 of David, prophesied the Messiah would be crucified when crucifixion as a state punishment had not yet been invented. This is no coincidence. Fulfilled prophecy is one of the most stunning features of the Bible, one that sets it apart from any other Holy Book.

As Christ followers, we may not need to be convinced of the authenticity of the Holy One, but it is this gift of fulfillment that offers us the evidence and courage to speak to others in his name.

Jesus' walk on this earth was pre-determined, deliberate and purposeful. Let us continue to believe and guide seekers of truth and peace to the cross. The cross, where He laid his body down for us.
Thank you Jesus!

                                                                                                                          Written by gail

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