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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Know Him Better

Every five years or so, a distant cousin will organize a large family reunion. Family members travel from all over the country to be there.

We spend about a half day in a nice park playing games and talking.

I have an excellent time, but there is a problem. I am not very good with names and I have difficulty recognizing people. To compound things, I don’t want to admit my flaw, so I act like I know them.

My wife and I will spend the several hour drive home trying to figure out who we were talking to.

My distant family is awesome, but seeing them four hours every five years makes it difficult to have a meaningful relationship. It would be nice to know them better.

Today’s lesson is from Luke 24.

Cleopas and a friend were travelling to Emmaus, discussing the fact that Jesus had been put to death by the ruling class. The whole area was abuzz about what had happened.

The resurrected Jesus appeared to them. Their conversation demonstrated how wrong Cleopas and his friend were about Jesus. The two believed Jesus was a prophet and thought he would restore the Davidic Kingdom (and earthly greatness) to Israel. They did not understand that Jesus was not only the Son of God, but that he was God. They did not understand Jesus came to set up a heavenly kingdom.
After a while, Jesus made himself known. The two then realized that Jesus is alive, he is God and that he is the promised Messiah.
I don’t always recognize my own relatives. Like Cleopas, I don’t always recognize Jesus.
Due to travel constraints, I don’t see my distant relatives very often. It is therefore not surprising I don’t know them very well. However, I can’t use that excuse about Jesus.
It is true, I cannot see Jesus, yet he is with me every day!
I need to spend more time with him.
Only then will I know him better, and appreciate who he is and what he has done for me.

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