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Thursday, April 7, 2016


Several years ago I became very ill. It significantly impacts my life and that of my loving family.

Shortly after the onset, a well intentioned acquaintance, seeing my distress, attempted to give me advice on how to solve my situation. He said, “You would be healed if you had more faith.” [Yes, that really was his quote. Not gifted with a silver tongue, he simply was trying to be helpful.]

Today’s reading is Matthew 8:8-13. A Roman Centurion requested that Jesus heal his servant, and Jesus did. The centurion demonstrated his faith by saying, “just say the word and my servant will be healed.”

Jesus healed the servant and commented, “I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.”

The centurion, a gentile who knew it was not proper for a Jew to come to his house, knew Jesus could heal his servant without actually visiting the servant. The centurion had great faith.
The centurion apparently had a good life, perhaps a great life. He commanded one hundred men. He was wealthy.
Many of our lives are not like the centurion. We have challenges in life. Some of us have major struggles. Suggesting that having more faith will remove our challenges misses the point of faith. In fact, it even hints that we are more in control of our life than God is; that somehow if we grow our faith we will get what we want.
Faith begins with believing that Jesus died for our sins so that we will have everlasting life.
The story continues, however.
Having faith means taking action. Yes, we are free to better our situation, but that is not necessarily the action that is meant. Faith should motivate us to love others and to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Sometimes we are so hurt that we are incapable of taking action. In these cases it takes faith to accept help from other Christians who can care for us.
Faith is living our lives as Jesus intended.

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