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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Jesus Removes the Disciples Doubts“

Luke 24:36-44

Two men walked the Emmaus road, saddened by their master’s death.  

Suddenly a stranger falls in step with them. As they near Emmaus they are compelled to invite him to stay a while with them.

As Jesus walked with them, their grieving hearts declared their lost faith and echoed their fear of never seeing Him again. With understanding we are there with them as we hear and echo their words, “we trusted.”

Grief of the loss of a loved one is a knock-out punch. Stunned we slowly get up, knowing we can afford to lose anything and everything but our faith and trust in Him.

After the loss of a loved one, my son sponsored me for The Emmaus Walk, a three day retreat. There I rested my heart, sheltered quietly in the love of the Lord and by those serving "the walkers" in His love. 

On the third day of the walk while receiving communion, I felt the joy of the disciples as Jesus appeared to them for a third time.  

While they were grieving and unbelieving, Jesus stood among them saying “Peace be with you.” As He broke bread with them, they knew it was the Lord and their grief became belief!

“And He walks with me and He talks with me,
And He tells me I am His own.
And the joy we share as we tarry there,
None other has ever known.”
(I Come to the Garden Alone)  C. Austin Miles

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