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Thursday, June 2, 2016

And it was so!

Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation..." And it was so.  Genesis 1:11

And God said, "Let there be lights...." And it was so. Genesis 1:14-15

Day three and day four of creation are highlighted in these two sections of Genesis. "God was so." These are powerful words and ones we can trust and live by today. When God says it, it will be so. Who do we know that we can depend upon for this type of assurance?

I doubt if any of us has not been disappointed by human behavior. Broken promises and unmet expectations are part of life.  Our parents have failed us just as we have failed our children. We are not perfect and will always fall short. 

How many times in a day are we disenchanted by someone's behavior?  How many celebrities have acted in a manner that left us wondering why we admired them in the first place? How many of our own family or friends have not followed through with admirable conduct. How many times have we disappointed and saddened those we care for?

As much as I would like to think I am beyond that, the fact is, I'm not. Only by the grace and goodness of God am I able to maintain any positive outcomes. Only by God's love and affection am I able to change and become a dependable person. 

Only God is righteous and it is by his love I am redeemed from a life that disappoints and disrupts the good I want to do.

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