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Friday, July 8, 2016

John 3:13-21

Light Has come Into the World

John 3:16 is one of the most well-known verses in the bible, even to those who do not claim to be Christ followers. The true meaning and impact of this incredible proclamation however is missed by most, and written off as just a bunch of words. Just the most significant words ever communicated, EVER!

The “Journey” (Bible for seeking God and understanding life), describes John 3:16; “This one sentence contains the greatest message, from the greatest source, describing the greatest love, demonstrated by the greatest sacrifice ever given. 

How do we get through to the world? In what way do we approach those who do not understand the heart of our God? What can we say or do to make an impact?

         LIVE              LOVE                REACH

Many look to accomplishments to lead them to fulfillment or spiritual security. Jesus says to us, just as he did to Nicodemus in John 6-7; “Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, you must be born again.”

When those not of Christ hear the term “born again” it may scare them off. They might feel as though they must suddenly submit to something foreign and scary, abruptly transforming into some sort of saintly being far beyond their capability. 

The truth is, it is a journey not a moment. Learning about the Lord, and submitting to His word can take a lifetime. Our faith, love, and trust in God evolves over time. We can help that truth be known through the way we approach our own life and relationships with others.

God looks to His people to be a model of Jesus, to LIVE honestly with passion, and thrive to be all we can be for his kingdom. He directs us to LOVE sincerely as He loves. Patiently walking alongside of and taking baby steps with those in this world who do not know Jesus is how we REACH others, never abandoning or giving up on them just as God has promised never to leave us.

Read/Listen to John 3:13-21

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