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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Make Me to Know Your Way

The Psalms were written for meditation, instruction and worship for all kinds of people and purposes – every need, every emotion, every prayerful request and every praise!

Specific themes David dwells on in Psalm 25 are trust, shame and rescue.

When I don’t know what a day may bring and I am anxious about what is ahead, reading Psalm 25 points my heart toward “show me the way.”  As David did, I ask God to help me put my trust in Him. “In you, Lord my God, I put my trust.” Psalm 25:1

With every passing day, year and decade, I realize how much courage it takes to put my trust in God regardless of circumstances.
David, uses the word “put.”  We put something somewhere intentionally. Through-out our lifetime we put our trust in loved ones, our healthcare providers, our clergy members and business advisors.  The Psalmist is choosing to put his trust in God. This takes hard work as with the great effort of a shot-putter.
We aren’t told the specific sin David wrote about in verse 7 that has caused him to feel shame. We know only that “sin is sin” in God’s sight, and that we experience the consequence of our sin.  David asks God to help him avoid sin to keep him from being put to shame. Psalm 25:2
Shame is the hardest emotion to bear, according to a majority of mental health professionals.  It is the sense that we don’t measure up, that we don’t belong and that if other people knew the truth about us they would reject us.
Shame isolates us from others, and especially from God. Adam and Eve were ashamed after sinning against God and they covered themselves and hid.  
David understood that only God can rescue us and protect us from shame.
"Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long."
Psalm 25:4

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