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Thursday, August 11, 2016

Mudslingers and Fig Trees

I am ready for this election season to be over.  How about you?  I’m done with all of the mudslinging. We continually hear one political group comparing themselves to the other by showing how evil their opponent is.

It doesn’t take long to get tired of all the negativity. Highlighting only the bad might make us feel better for a brief moment, but soon either we, or those around us will need some good news.

Our scripture passage today talks about this very thing. Luke 13: 1-9 explains how there were some who were talking to Jesus about how bad certain people where.  Jesus even questions these accusers asking, “Do you think these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans because they suffered this way? I tell you, no!” But unless you repent, you too will all perish.”

Did you catch Jesus’s reply? “Unless you repent, you too will all perish.” Those who brought the question to Jesus were not even talking about themselves.  They were comparing one group of Galileans to another, but Jesus turns the tables on them saying they too need to repent.

Jesus continues telling about a man who had a fig tree growing in his vineyard that did not produce any fruit. The man wanted to cut down the tree because it was just using up soil.  It’s not hard to see that Jesus was telling this story about those who thought they were good enough.  He keeps the story focused on those who were playing the comparison game, not on the “sinners”.

As Christians, we need to be particularly careful how we treat others. It’s easy to compare someone else’s shortcomings as worse than our, in order to bolster our self-worth.  Talking with a friend, family member or colleague about what horrible thing someone else did, takes the spotlight off of how we are doing, but that kind of living is dangerous.

We need to make sure we are producing good fruit for the Kingdom of God and not just using up soil. Repentance is the key to keeping the focus on ourselves and away from others.

Heavenly Father,
We confess that we often look at what others are doing hoping to feel better about ourselves.  We are so sorry. Please forgive us.  Help us to turn our focus and only compare ourselves to you.  Thank you for loving us and not giving up on us.  Help us to produce fruit that gives you glory. When we do look at others, please help us to look with love and compassion.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

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