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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Spirit Gives Us Spiritual Gifts

1 Corinthians 12:1-12

Yet another gift of the Spirit. I struggle toward resolution of an issue with a loved one, and need the gift of peace. This is mine when surrendered to the Holy Spirit, (counselor and comforter.) Galatians 5:22

Paul sets out for the Corinthian church, the spiritual principle of equality of spiritual gifts; available to all regardless of finances, race, ethnicity and gender. We are one before the Father in Christ Jesus.

In the second chapter of Ephesians, Paul wrote of God’s riches in Jesus.  He “was the man caught up into the third Heaven” -  a near death experience.  He had seen glorious things, (riches,) which he said words could not describe.

Riches are shared gifts. To each of us is given a gift of the Spirit to be shared for the common good of all.

Wisdom – the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is insight. Proverbs 9:10

Faith – complete trust and confidence in the Word of God and His faithfulness. 

The working of miracles – events not explainable by natural or scientific causes, but by divine inspiration and faith.

Prophesy – visionary ability to look forward and act as a harbinger.

Discernment of spirits – the ability to discern between truth and error, right and wrong.

Tongues – speaking in an unknown language “as in spirit.”

Interpretation of tongues - A supernatural verbalization and subsequent interpretation of the unknown language.

Paul uses the human body as a point of illustration, (many members, yet all of the same body.) When one member suffers, the whole body is weakened.

In our worship communities each of us has something to offer. All services are needed for the sharing of the Gospel and for the life of the church body.  All gifts are from God – no one brings individual value outside a direct deposit into our spirit from the Holy Spirit.  

Our gifts become apparent to us as we serve  -  as the Spirit works in us and for us.

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