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Friday, September 30, 2016

Friend Me

As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. (Luke 10:38)

Martha did not know Jesus yet, but she opened her home to Him. In ancient times, this was not so strange; if you opened your home to a stranger, you weren't necessarily asking for trouble. Sharing was a part of life.

Inviting someone into our homes is sometimes easy and sometimes not. A lot depends on us, and our view of Disciple-making. I am learning that I can make a difference in someone's life by merely introducing myself and after a while, trying to find a way to get to know them better. Who doesn't need a friend. This can be a lonely world and often that smile or invite to lunch can change someone else's pain.

Invite is all about opening your heart and then your home.  It is about reaching over the fence in the backyard then installing a gate for easier access. I need to keep my eyes open for people who God is placing in my path; people who I encounter on a regular basis who were part of the background until now.

Every relationship begins with one of us reaching out, opening up, or stepping over whatever barrier it is that keeps us from making the first move.  I am convinced that God has my next best-friend out there just waiting for us to meet.

No more missed opportunities. No more looking back and wishing I had acted on a prompting of the Holy Spirit. Life is full of missed opportunities. My goal now is to recognize those moments and snatch them up before they are only a regret. Martha opened her home to Jesus. I am ready to do no less.

Luke 10:38-42

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