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Thursday, September 1, 2016

Search My Heart

Philippians 2: 1-11 is one of my favorite passages in scripture. My bible is filled with notes on this page. I love how it lists benefits we receive being a follower of Christ; encouragement, fellowship, tenderness and compassion.  I experience these wonderful benefits most, when I am around other believers.

The passage immediately gives us a challenge. God doesn’t want us to only stay around situations where we only experience these benefits. We are called to take those benefits and serve others.  As a Christian this shouldn't be a surprise.  We hear and read that our job is to serve.  But, this is where a lot of us struggle.

I think there are three kinds of Christians when it comes to serving others.  
  1. The one who “gets” it.  Serving seems to flow from them.  It is who they are. They give of themselves freely.
  2. The one who serves but it just doesn’t seem or feel natural.  They serve because they know it is what God wants.
  3. The one who leaves serving to others.  They will give their money and donate items to their church or community outreach projects, but they think they are not gifted to serve.

No matter where you may fall, I believe we can all check our heart with regards to serving. If you relate to the third example, let me encourage you. I have not read anywhere in the bible where serving others is only for those naturally gifted to do so.

God has called you to serve!  Philippians 2: 5-7 tells us, “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus...he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant…”

I think the rub comes with, WHO and HOW do we serve…

WHO do we serve?  Paul says in Philippians, “do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit...consider others better than yourself.”  

If we have a hard time serving, we have possibly put ourselves in a higher position than the one we are called to serve. Is there a particular group of people or even a singular person, you think you're better than? I know this is a hard question, but spend some time honestly searching your heart.  Take time to pray about it, asking God to reveal the truth.

When you see who it is you put “below” yourself, THIS is WHO you should serve.

So, HOW should we serve? Philippians 2:3 says, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.”

In humility.  This is hard.  The easiest way to serve in humility is when we've been humbled. It can feel very humbling when we realize we put ourselves before so many others.  This is a good place to start. It will take HUMILITY and faith, and when you are not sure you can do it, remember; Jesus did it for you.

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