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Thursday, September 8, 2016

Standing Firm

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.” Our scripture today is the famous, Armor of God passage.  Filled with so many tools for us to take advantage of.  We must remember though, that the fight we face is;
1.   NOT against flesh and blood.  So that coworker, neighbor, or family member is not the enemy. Our enemy resides in the spiritual realm.
2.   We are not to fight in our strength.  We actually don’t have the strength or ability to fight the spiritual on our own.
God has given us what we need to be strong in HIS mighty power. What has he given us?  If we look at Ephesians 6:10-18 we find God has provided truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, and his word. All of these things not only fight for us, but they protect us from the evil one.
Our job is to;
1.   Stand firm through the battle, trusting that God loves us and has won. 
2.   Keep on praying.  Pray all kinds of prayers not only for yourself, but for other believers standing firm in the trenches. 

Praying keeps us connected to God, reminding us that the battle is a spiritual one.  If we stop praying, we will start doubting God’s power and start trusting our own. Prayer is the key to standing firm.   We acknowledge that we cannot do this on our own.  Our only hope is to be strong in the Lord and his mighty power.

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