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Sunday, October 23, 2016

A Hope Worth Shouting About

1 Peter 3:15 (NIV)
But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, 

My grandma and grandpa were amazing people. They loved and cared for my sister and me for many years. I know they had a relationship with Jesus just by the way they acted. Their love for each other was evident and their love for others was too. They were in church every Sunday and involved in church community too.

They were raised in the quiet generation sometimes called the silent generation. They lived through WWI and the great depression. They didn't talk about their painful experiences, nor did they talk about their faith. Faith was a very personal thing and one didn't discuss it openly. My grandparents were no different. But still I knew they were Christian by their actions and their love.

When my world as a child was in turmoil, there was peace and hope for a good day at grandma's. When I would spend time with grandpa in his workshop repairing my bicycle or building a chest of drawers for my bedroom, I felt hope in my heart. He was strong and silent and that is what I loved. When all around me was chaos and drama, there was peace in the silence that comes from authentic love.

I recognize now, that peace could only come from a relationship with Jesus. I feel it now too, but my generation isn't silent. We can't afford to be. It is now time to tell the reason for the hope we have. It is time to share the good news and tell everyone who will listen, just how amazing is Jesus and what a life filled with hope can be like. And sometimes our actions speak even louder than our words.
1 Peter 3:13-18


Unknown said...

I wish I could have known grandpa like you did. You were blessed for sure. And now you are a blessing to my sons :) - Daughter #1

Judy Webb said...

He was an amazing man.