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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

I'd give everything I have . . .

And so the people were restrained from bringing more, because what they already had was more than enough to do all the work. (Exodus 36:6, 7)

Think for a moment, and then fill in the blank: “I’d give everything I have in order to _________.”

How do you think we as a group responded? What scenarios would inspire us to give up our last nickel? Might it be restored health, either our own or that of someone we love? A renewed relationship? Meeting the financial needs of our children or parents? I’m guessing most of us have at least one all-important situation in which we would relinquish everything we have.

My personal response prompts me to ask myself: “Why not souls? Why wouldn’t I be willing to give more to the work of God in the lives of others?” Of course, we cannot purchase anyone’s salvation; that’s already been done by the only One with the means to do so! But we can give our money to the sharing of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the serving of others in His name.

I wish this were a rhetorical question to which I could provide a helpful answer, but it is not. It is a serious matter that calls me to some serious soul-searching. Is it that my comfortable life is more important than another’s eternal life? Am I content to “consume” Christ for my purposes, but not share Him for His own purposes?

The people in today’s text were not asked to hand over all of their possessions, but like the poor woman who watched her last two coins drop out of her hand and into the offering (Mark 12:41-44), they appeared willing to do so. In fact, they had to be stopped from their giving. Which brings me back to my self-examination. Perhaps the answer is not to solve the giving question in a hypothetical “if/then” scenario, but to listen to what God is calling me to do today, and then to respond as His obedient servant.

What about you? What do you think?

God, lead me to do your work today, and grace me to be a faithful steward of my possessions, my time, my talents, and gifts. Use me for your glory. Amen.

[Click here to read today’s Scripture in Exodus 36:1-7.]

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