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Thursday, October 13, 2016

In The Eye Of The Storm

Last week we had a hurricane in South Florida.  It was my families first experience with a hurricane.  To say it was exciting and terrifying would be an understatement.  The category 4 hurricane was headed our direction and so we prepared. 

We were ready for days without power and water.  We stocked our pantry with nonperishable foods such as canned fruit, beef jerky, trail mix and lots of supplies for PB & J’s.  The most important supply we purchased according to our son, FLASHLIGHTS!

Evan is not afraid of the dark, but being stuck in a violent storm in the dark is a whole other thing.   We made the prospect of being in the dark fun, telling him we would play flashlight tag when it got really dark.  He was definitely down for a game that involved flashlights.

Well, we got lucky and the storm passed us by.  Other than some above average winds and rain, the hurricane was a non-event and my husband and I were grateful.  We knew others in the world were not as fortunate, so we did not take this lightly.  As we were counting our blessings, or son was disappointed.  He never got to play flashlight tag.

As parents we learn to master making a bad situation look good, so our children do not feel the weight of our circumstances.  As Christians we have to be careful to not do the same thing. 

Playing in the dark as a Christian is an entirely different game.  When we spend time in the dark, as stated in 1 John 1:5-10, we have no fellowship with one another or with God.  The dark is where we go to hide our sin.  God is light and in him there is no darkness at all.  We cannot be hiding sin and be around God. 

So what do we do?  Admit our sin.  God is not waiting around to shame us, he wants to cover us with his love, but not admitting our sin keeps his love from penetrating our brokenness and healing us of what drives us to sin.  If you are hiding in darkness trying to keep your sins a secret, stop playing games and give it to God.  He knows how to protect you from the storm.

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