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Sunday, October 9, 2016

Recipe for Caring

Titus 3:3 (MSG)
  It wasn't so long ago that we ourselves were stupid and stubborn, dupes of sin, ordered every which way by our glands, going around with a chip on our shoulder, hated and hating back. 

Don't you just love how earthy the words from Titus 3 are when read from The Message Bible? I don't know about you, but this version often speaks things the way I think them - simple, honest and so very down to earth. That's what I mean by earthy.

When I pray about how in the world I am going to tell someone about Jesus, share my faith in a manner that is humble and genuine I realize I need to be real, to be me and not some phony who feels called to 'save those sinners'. If truth be told, I am one of those sinners and I daily fall short of who and what I want to be. So, with that out of the way, how can God use me today?  Right now?  Where I am this moment?

I am called to care, to really and truly care what happens to my neighbor. I am called to love and to share Jesus' love with everyone I meet, but how is this possible? How can I, the very person who complained to herself only a day or two ago that she wanted to be left alone. Wanted to live without having to deal with people. Wow - just imagine if Jesus had said that 2000 years ago!

This task might seem daunting, but as with anything worthwhile, it isn't easy. I think the best way to tackle this is to just step out in faith. Smile at that new neighbor.  Stop for a moment on that walk around the neighborhood and say a few friendly words. See where God takes it. Some days all it takes is for us to make the next right move and then put it in God's hands.

He will show us how to care. He will lead the way if we just give Him the reigns to our life.

Titus 3:3-8

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