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Sunday, October 16, 2016

Shine the Light of Trust as you Walk Around the Block

Do you find it easy to trust? Do you need to be friends with someone before you trust them? Or, are there stages of trust. There are most likely as many differing responses to these questions as there are situations where trust was born or broken.

Matthew 5:16 (NIV)
In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. 

In recent years, I have found it easier to trust people and share some of my life with them. There are some people who seem naturally to be trustworthy. There is a chemistry when we meet and it doesn't take long before there is a feeling like we have been friends for a while. Comfort is in their words and conversation is easy.

Those of you who know me have heard this part of my story. How there was a time I didn't have any friends and I didn't want any.  That was much of my life. Then, someone I trusted, (a few someone's actually), introduced me to Jesus and He became a reason for mto go on. And over time, I started to crave meaningful relationships.

Remembering my past, from where I came, is helpful now as I want to help someone else find that special relationship with Jesus. The thing is, it will begin with a relationship with me.  Sounds like bait and switch doesn't it? But in the best way possible.

The trick is for me to keep my eyes open to anyone God may be placing right in front of me. That someone who doesn't know it yet, but just might become a real friend. Then with prayer and my trust in the Holy Spirit, we will move around that Discipleship Block one step at a time.

Matthew 5:13-16

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