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Thursday, November 3, 2016

Status Update

The world sure has changed over the past 30 years.  I was watching one of those holiday cartoons with my son the other night, you know the ones that come on once a year and it's tradition to sit in front of the TV and watch.

After playing it for probably the fourth time my son asks, “Did you watch this over and over when you were a kid?”  I had to laugh as I explained that we didn't have DVR when I was his age.  He was stunned.

My husband and I continued to explain that we didn't have a lot of things he has.  No cell phones, WiFi, internet. We didn't have Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, or Twitter.

I was actually surprised myself to see how much things have changed in a short period of time.  While all of these additions to life can be fun and entertaining, I can't help but feel they also give too many people the stage to have influence in our lives.

Our scripture passage today comes from Proverbs 3: 5-10.  Verse 5 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding…”  We do the opposite of this most of the time, don't we.

We will run to Facebook articles, news interviews, and our friends opinions before we turn to God.  But he want us to trust him with ALL of our heart and NOT lean on our own understanding.  

This passage is not telling us to turn off our brains.  It is telling us to use our brains and seek the ONLY one who has the answers we need.  Why? Proverbs continues saying, “He will direct our path”.

God will give us the direction we need.  Some versions of this passage say, “He will make our path straight.”  Isn't that what we are looking for when week seek out all this information?  God, the one who created us and who loves us says he will show us which way to go if we would trust him.

Now that's news worthy of posting.

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