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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The Holy Spirit comes to the Church

 11 January
Scripture Reading
Read Acts 2:1-12 and reflect on the passage.

When our kids were toddlers one of their favorite phrases was, “Do it again!” “It” may have been reading a book, singing a song, or having Dad twirl them around the living room. But they couldn’t get enough. They wanted more.

On Pentecost, Jesus’ disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit for the first time, releasing more of God’s kingdom, power, and gifts into their lives. Luke says that, as a result, 3,000 people called on the name of the Lord and were saved. I long to see that kind of power in the church today. And the good news is that God gives refills!

All believers have the Holy Spirit by virtue of baptism, but to be saturated with the Spirit is our ongoing need, because it’s so easy to become filled with other things like fear, and doubt, and anger, and guilt, and temptation. Like a sponge, I need the Holy Spirit to wring out of me those things that hinder my relationship with Him, and soak me again in His presence and power. Not just once, but over and over. The Spirit wants to give us more of what Jesus offers. So “Do it again, Lord!”

1.      When you think of Jesus, what characteristic comes to mind first and foremost? Wise teaching? Love for others? Power to heal? Holiness of life? Mission?
2.      In what ways might your view of Jesus influence your understanding of the Holy Spirit?
Holy Spirit, fill me today, so that with all the saints, I will be prepared to glorify You and join You in Your work. Amen.

—Jeff Morlock

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