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Saturday, January 14, 2017

The Spirit prepares us for God’s work

  January 14
Scripture Reading
Read 1 Corinthians 12:3-11 and reflect on the passages.

In this Bible passage, the Apostle Paul describes in lavish terms the work of the Holy Spirit. If we believe in Jesus, we have the Spirit working in our lives—and what the Spirit does with each of us may be quite different.

We may look at other believers and wish for or wonder why we don’t have the spiritual gifts they seem to have. We may never know why we have or don’t have. But Paul is very clear that all spiritual gifts are for the good of the whole body, the whole Church of Jesus that we are part of by the Spirit’s most important gift—faith in Jesus. “The Spirit apportions” the gifts we have. The Spirit needs no advice or help in giving gifts—just surrender and use them for the good of others. Some gifts may seem more important— they are not. Some spiritual gifts may seem more attractive—to whom and why?

God the Holy Spirit wants to be active and working in our lives every day. Our job is to use what we have been given, and not wish for something different. We want to be glad the Spirit is at work in us all the time.

1.      What spiritual gift(s) do you believe you have? Are you satisfied and grateful for the gifts you have?
2.      Who could help you discern the gift(s) you have so that you might use them better? Get connected with them to help you enjoy giftedness.
Spirit of the Living God, fall fresh on me. Help me to know how you’ve gifted me and how to use you gifts in me. Amen.

—Paul Ulring

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