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Thursday, January 26, 2017

To Live Is Christ!

I can’t believe it has almost been six years since my dad passed away.  This February is approaching fast and my memories of his death are as strong as ever.
One of the best memories I have was taking communion together as a family.  Pastor John came over and led my father, mother, sister and I in the sacrament.  It was a touching moment.  We knew this was going to be the last time we shared the Lord’s Supper together.
After we received the elements we spent some time in prayer.  We confessed our love for each other and thanked God for the time we had together.  We made sure that all past sins were forgiven.  As our prayer ended my father looked at us and with all seriousness, spoke some of the most profound words I have ever heard.
He said, “This was great.  Praying together and loving each other, but I want you to remember one thing.  It means nothing without Jesus.”  Wow! Not what I was expecting.  I was having a moment with my dying father and he was busy pointing us all back to Christ.
This was not typical of my father.  Yes, he loved God and had a relationship with Christ, but his mind was not always on Christ.  He was human like all of us, so I knew this moment came directly from the throne of God.
This story was the first thing that came to my mind when I read today’s scripture.  Romans 8:5 says, “Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.”
We were worried about my dad and our relationship with him.  We wanted to make sure everything was good before he was gone.  None of that is bad, but it was motivated by the flesh.  I love that my dad’s last life lesson for me was, “Focus on Christ and him alone.” 
That is what the Spirit desires isn’t it? Even our most pure intentions mean nothing if Christ is not at the center of it.

Read today's entire scripture here. Romans 8:5-12

1 comment:

Judy Webb said...

Loved this devotion today. Brought back memories.