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Monday, February 6, 2017

Broken but not in pieces

1 Peter 4:12 (NIV)
Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. 

I have been keeping a journal for years now. In fact, I use a special devotional called Streams in the Desert and I often will note the year I am reading a specific devotion which touches me. Recently I realized that so many of my notations were from 2008. I was curious to see what was going on in my life that year to have so many margin notes referencing it specifically.

One of the benefits of journaling is the ability to go back in time and remember or relive some of those precious times by reading my own words. It is also a gift to be able to see what God has done in my life over the years. It turns out, 2008 was a turning point for me spiritually. It all began in the year 2000 when I attended Renewal, a Spiritual Retreat for Women.  God began a new work in me and he used 17 other women to speak into my life.

So, when I saw that Broken was the theme for our preaching series these next four weeks, I was excited. You might wonder why anyone would anticipate a series of this type, but I have discovered over many years, it is that very brokenness that drew me to God. I didn't know it at the time when I was crying out to Him with fists raised, that His plan was in the making. That he would heal my broken heart and use me; use my testimony, to point to Him.

I have sensed God reminding me of late, to live one day at a time. When I finally dug out one of my journals from 2008, One Day at a Time was the theme. It makes sense, as I was two years into our Celebrate Recovery Program and God was doing a mighty work in me and others around me.

1 Peter 4:19 (NIV)
So then, those who suffer according to God's will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good. 

1 Peter 4:12-19

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