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Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Protection of the Shepherd

The word shepherd is an intimate metaphor as the shepherd lives in intimate relationship with his flock; serving, protecting, providing and healing.

During a business lunch with a colleague I suddenly felt my twelve-year-old son Christian to be in danger. I excused myself and went to a quiet place to pray. When my son came home from school I saw large bloody abrasions on his arms and legs.  He said, “Mom, at lunchtime I rode with my friend on his mini-bike.  It overturned and I fell onto the street.  I’m sorry I disobeyed you.” Beyond, “no motor bikes,” I had few rules and regulations.

As we are willing to accept the Spirit’s “the Helper’s” help and listen to His voice, many troubles, accidents and evils concerning us and others, would be avoided.  As we daily practice listening and obeying, we will be prepared to hear and follow His direction in times of danger and crisis.

Physical death, our ultimate enemy has been defeated by our Shepherd.

Psalm 23:4 ---- David speaks directly to his Shepherd.  It is He who guides us through dark valleys of distress and trouble, as well as through green pastures. His presence with us in valleys and shadows of death, helps us overcome our fear, as He is our personal escort.  His rod and staff are implements of protection and comfort.

But now the day was dawning.  Viewing the eastern hills, Christian said to himself, “He hath turned the shadows of death into the morning.”  Looking back over the way he had come, he wondered how the Lord had gotten him through.  He remembered the verse; “He discovers deep things out of darkness and brings out to light the shadow of death.” He was deeply moved when he saw all the dangers from which he had been delivered.

Pilgrim’s Progress:  John Bunyan

A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 - Phillip Keller

Psalm 4:8, 27:1, 118:6, 142:6

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