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Saturday, March 4, 2017

Fasting and reflection

Fasting and reflection                                                                                                            March 4

Read Matthew 6:16-21 and reflect on the passage.

The appetite is a funny thing. We know, from a young age, that food sustains us and helps us to grow. God so brilliantly fashioned and designed our bodies with signals from our brain registering our hunger (so we know when to eat) and fullness (so we know when to stop eating).

And yet, so many of us either struggle to identify those cues correctly, struggle to listen to those cues, or misinterpret those appetite cues. And when the appetite is compromised, our health and growth will often suffer as a result.

The same is true of our spiritual appetites. Often, we may misdirect our longing to satisfy our spiritual need for connection with the Lord with less-fulfilling substitutes—in fact, after a long day, I’m really good at “binge” watching my favorite sitcom instead of turning to the Lord for spiritual rest, refreshment, and nourishment.

Jesus Himself speaks of the true nourishment for the soul: “My food is to do the will of Him who sent me.” The food of the Father is truly satisfying!


1. Are there any areas of your life that are masking a hunger for connection with the Lord?

2. How will you seek to nourish your soul in this Lenten season?


Lord, I hunger for You. Grant me spiritual “daily bread,” and reveal areas in my life where I long for connection with You.

—Katie Borden

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