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Saturday, March 25, 2017

God protects Paul

March  25
Read Acts 18:9-16 and reflect on the passage. 

Mary had not expected the push-back that she was receiving after her presentation at the board meeting. It caught her totally off guard— and especially that it was from the people that she had assumed would be with her in the project. She left the meeting discouraged, questioning her abilities and purpose. The next day, she found an email, sent from a colleague with whom she often had been at odds, congratulating her on the calm manner in which she had conducted herself in a difficult meeting.

The Apostle Paul had many “opportunities” to be discouraged throughout his ministry. He could have thrown in the towel on many occasions. But the Lord encouraged him again and again to stay focused on his calling—“don’t be afraid; don’t be silent; I will protect you.” And most interestingly, God also used other people to flesh out that encouragement. He used people who were not necessarily part of his team—even non-believers. Gallio was a pagan Roman, political leader whom God used to protect Paul.

When God encourages, He can use His Word, prayer, and worship songs. But He can also use people we don’t expect.


1. When have you been discouraged from doing what you believe God has called you to do?

2. In addition to the Word and prayer, whom has God used to encourage you?


Father of all encouragement, we look to You for Your support and protection, especially when we feel abandoned and vulnerable. Thank You for Your support.

—David Mann

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