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Friday, March 24, 2017

God rescues the Israelites

24  March                                  

Read Exodus 14:21-28 and reflect on the passage.

When I think about how many times God has rescued me, he must be exhausted! I grew up in a house divided, Catholic vs. Methodist. Thankfully, the Christian foundation was always there. But I strayed. And every time I strayed, God rescued me. Throw in the fact that I am a self- admitted “control freak,” and just watch me stray!

God was stirring up something fierce in me this past Christmas season. The Holy Spirit sprinkled in the good, the bad, and the ugly! Thankfully, I let Jesus take the wheel this time. If I hadn’t, I would probably be in the fetal position asking God the following: What have I done to deserve this? Why are you punishing me? When will I catch a break?

This Lenten season, I am truly thankful for all the times God has rescued me. Although I still struggle with control, I am able to ask the Lord questions like: Where are you leading me? Who are you putting in my path? How can I be a blessing to others?

Thank you for rescuing each and every one of us, Jesus!


1. Do you need rescued in some aspect of your life right now? Who have you put in control of the rescue mission?

2. What will you do differently this Lenten season to allow God to rescue those around you, including non-believers?


Heavenly Father, I pray for everyone that needs rescued right now. Thank You, Lord, for being in control, all the time!

—Alicia Kern

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